I am eternally grateful to GOD for providing me with life, tenacity, determination and patience. Baby J's® Adventure stories birth has been a long time coming. COVID-19 provided me with an opportunity to focus on my natural ability to bring Baby J to life.
Baby J’s stories allowed me to collaborate closely with De'Ana Stewart, my wonderful niece, and Ahrianna Guity, my equally talented heart-niece. De'Ana is one of Baby J's story authors, and she possesses a vivid mind far above her years. Ahrianna is one of Baby J's artists, and Ahrianna's innovative work is exemplified by Baby J's® Adventure stories.
Dr. Janice Y. Stewart-Johnson, also known as Dr. J, is a Baltimore native. Dr. J's early experiences and adversities influenced Baby J's development. Baby J's most beautiful and gracious gift, according to Dr. J's vision, is to "teach" children how to liberate themselves from the pain, bondage and suffering of all forms of childhood abuse. TRUST yourself, ACCEPT yourself, and LOVE yourself!
Baby J recognizes and accepts her uniqueness. She is gregarious, bright, and unafraid to pursue her dreams. Baby J's personal narrative is presented in order to inspire and educate others to accept and believe in their faith in order to overcome self-destruction.
“Oh Boy!” is Baby J's favorite phrase.
Baby J "never gives up" and shows us "how to handle" difficult situations.
Baby J's thrilling tales delve into the hearts of those who yearn to be free and understood in the face of adversity. Baby J inspires and challenges everyone to discover their place in the world. She helps people to break free from their imprisonment and to overcome the humiliation they may be feeling as a result of their current or former circumstances.